Soma ARah AKA Carol Noonan The Pleiadian Child


“The Pleiadian Child by author Carol Noonan, is her personal journey of awakening to her spiritual heritage as a one of the new human upgrades of humanity, the Indigos . Carol shares her often traumatic journey from childhood to adulthood, not only aware of the isolation of being very ‘different’ to other children, but also marginalized by poverty and abuse as she was growing up. It was her ‘star family’ that supported her multi-dimensionally through this challenging human journey. Her connection to many different ‘intelligences’ spirits and loving entities who helped her to transcend her human challenges to become a channel for their wisdom, which she unconditionally shares with humanity. An enlightening and affirming read to those who are also waking up to who they are.”

Mary Rodwell Principal of ACERN. Author of AWAKENING, How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform your life (2002) & THE NEW HUMAN, Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage (2016)

Soma ARah is a Cosmic Starseed A Pleiadian Channel. A Pleiadian Hybrid with a Galactic mission on Earth. Who has remembered her mission through extreme abuse and trauma as a child she began having spiritual experiences and connecting to the Pleiadians as a child brought about by trauma. (trauma releases D.M.T) Receiving Downloads & Transmissions of information from the Pleiadians.

An Out of Body Experience with Jesus at the age of 12 that stopped her from committing suicide. This experience changed everything for her, she began meditating in her room alone not knowing that it was called “Meditation” and reading esoteric books by Edgar Cayce and Doris Stokes. She was blocked by the Pleiadians from entering the secondary school system and rather received her education directly from the Pleiadians, spirit and her guides she spent her childhood years from 12 to 16 reading and meditating alone in her room while receiving downloads and transmissions from the Pleiadians.

Throughout her life she has had many spiritual experiences part of her Mission is to help awaken and raise the frequency of Humanity bringing forth teachings, transmissions and downloads from the Pleiadians helping to create a New Earth during this Ascension Period.

Soma ARah 
Internationally Renowned Psychic, Medium, Reiki Master, Healer, Shamanic Practitioner, Pleiadian Starseed, Pleiadian Channel, Pleiadian Hybrid, UFO Abductee, Contactee & Experiencer, ​A Channel For The Pleiadians Since Childhood, Spiritual Teacher, Visionary, Indigo Adult, Indigo Mystic, Clairvoyant, Lightworker, Channel, Empathic, Intuitive, Healing Channel
Author of The Pleiadian Child Available on Amazon & What's Really Going On? Available on soon on www.SomaARah.Love

My Mission

Soma ARah is a Pleiadian Starseed & Channel who came to help assist Humanity Raise its Frequency. To Inspire, To Uplift, To Shine, To Teach, To Learn, To Heal, To Transform, To Grow. To Share Teachings, Downloads, Transmissions & Channellings from the Pleiadians. As part of her mission and why she’s here at this time on earth now, that we call Ascension Through Readings, Courses, Workshops and more. A beacon of Light, Inspiration she came to Reach Humanity.

“Chosen by our ancient galactic cousins to communicate the messages for Humanity.”

April Cordner 


Previously Featured in Extensive Interviews, Various Magazines, Online & Radio Including the following;

Mary Rodwell, Sacha Stone, Patricia Cori, Miles Johnson, Brad Olsen, Bill Peters, Laura Eisenhower. Predictions Magazine, Woman’s Way, The Sun, Spirit Radio, Westport Radio.


We are not alone, we have never been alone, we do not come from Earth, we are the Ancient Aliens, we are The Pleiadians, we are the Children of Light, We are the Starseeds.
— Soma ARah


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  • The Pleiadian Child

    Carol Noonan



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