Frequently Asked Questions


Are you a fortune teller?


No absolutely not.  I have a spiritual gift, that I use to help people, often in times of desperation and need.  So if your only looking for a bit of "fun at the fair" then I'm not the person to see.


How long will my reading/session be?


Your reading/session will normally take an hour.  However, it is much more important to me that I relay the information to you regardless of the time & I'm not a clock watcher.  I advise you to take a gap of roughly two hours (for a one hour booking), even if I don't go over the time, so that you can also have time to absorb some of the information shared with you.


Where are you based?


At the moment in Ireland (January 2024) To keep up to date with where I will be next year, sign up to my newsletter as I may well be travelling to your area!


Does distance matter during a reading/session?


Given the technology we have today I can be anywhere on earth, a cave in Tibet for example, you may laugh but it has been well known! and be able to tune into you, your energy and loved ones who have passed on.  "DISTANCE DOES NOT CONTROL ENERGY, THOUGHT DOES"  So it really doesn't matter about the distance in-between.


Can I bring a friend in with me during my reading?


I find that the readings I give can be very personal with a lot of very personal information shared, therefore I don't allow this, except in group bookings/sessions like family group mediumship readings.  It is fine to have a friend wait for you though.


Does distance matter during a reading/session?


Given the technology we have today I can be anywhere on earth, a cave in Tibet for example, you may laugh but it has been well known! and be able to tune into you, your energy and loved ones who have passed on.  "DISTANCE DOES NOT CONTROL ENERGY, THOUGHT DOES"  So it really doesn't matter about the distance in-between.


Can I come and see you personally?


Yes, I also offer Online Readings via Zoom, Skype & Facebook.


Do you do phone readings?


I used to but I have stopped these as I prefer online readings as I can also send the recording to you as well.


Do you do readings via Instant messaging?


No, not at the moment.  I currently offer readings on Zoom, Skype, Facebook, as well as Individual & Group Readings in person.


How do I make a booking with you?


You can now book Online through my website, by Email me or Calling me on 00353 (0) 851279452 I am based in Ireland (January 2024)


Can I get an email reading with you?


No I used to do these but no longer offer them.


How can I pay?


Safe & Secure Payment options via PayPal is available here and throughout the pages on the site.  Just choose the option from the drop down menu for the service you require.


Do you have Skype?


Yes, I offer readings using Skype and through Facebook video chat.


Do you have Zoom?


Yes, I offer readings using Zoom, Skype and through Facebook video chat.  You will need to download the FREE version of Zoom for a Zoom Reading.


Are you a fortune teller?

No absolutely not.  I have a spiritual gift, that I use to help people, often in times of desperation and need.  So if your only looking for a bit of "fun at the fair" then I'm not the person to see.

How long will my reading/session be?

Your reading/session will normally take an hour.  However, it is much more important to me that I relay the information to you regardless of the time & I'm not a clock watcher.  I advise you to take a gap of roughly two hours (for a one hour booking), even if I don't go over the time, so that you can also have time to absorb some of the information shared with you.

Where are you based?

At the moment in Ireland (January 2024) To keep up to date with where I will be next year, sign up to my newsletter as I may well be travelling to your area!

Does distance matter during a reading/session?

Given the technology we have today I can be anywhere on earth, a cave in Tibet for example, you may laugh but it has been well known! and be able to tune into you, your energy and loved ones who have passed on.  "DISTANCE DOES NOT CONTROL ENERGY, THOUGHT DOES"  So it really doesn't matter about the distance in-between.

Can I bring a friend in with me during my reading?

I find that the readings I give can be very personal with a lot of very personal information shared, therefore I don't allow this, except in group bookings/sessions like family group mediumship readings.  It is fine to have a friend wait for you though.

Can I come and see you personally?

Yes, I also offer Online Readings via Zoom, Skype & Facebook.

Do you do phone readings?

I used to but I have stopped these as I prefer Online readings as I can also send the recording to you as well.

Do you do readings via Instant messaging?

No, not at the moment.  I currently offer readings on Zoom, Skype, Facebook, as well as Individual & Group Readings in person.

How do I make a booking with you?

You can now book Online through my website, by Email me or Calling me on 00353 (0) 851279452 I am based in Ireland (January 2024)

How can I pay?
Safe & Secure Payment options via PayPal is available here and throughout the pages on the site.  Just choose the option from the drop down menu for the service you require.  

Can I get an email reading with you?
No I used to do these but no longer offer them.

Do you have Zoom?

Yes, I offer readings using Zoom, Skype and through Facebook video chat.  You will need to download the FREE version of Zoom for a Zoom Reading.

Do you have Skype?

Yes, I offer readings using Skype and through Facebook video chat.