Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius is the 2,150-year cycle that follows the Piscean Age. It is the age of Freedom sponsored by Saint Germain and his twin flame, the Ascended Lady Master Portia.

Age of Pisces
The Piscean Age is the 2,150-year cycle that follows the Age of Aries. About the year 2000 b.c. we entered the age of Aries and two thousand years ago we entered the age of Pisces. Pisces is the age of Universal Peace and is sponsored by Jesus the Christ.

Are declarations of our worthiest goals. Repeating those declarations often enough that our subconscious minds accepts them as fact, will guide our behaviour accordingly towards the goal. Through affirmations we can declare ourselves happier, more positive, healthier, stronger, more successful … the list goes on … whatever it is that will help us love ourselves more.  Positive affirmations align our spirit with the Universe.

Everything that occurs in our personal world and in the physical universe is recorded in a dimension called akasha.

Akashic Records
The majority of the world’s cultures, faiths and philosophers generally agree that the Akashic Records exist. The Hindus believe in a universal substance call ‘akasha’ – from which the natural elements of water, fire, earth and air were created.  The Akashic Records are perceived to be the collective memories and histories of every thought, physical and emotional vibration, sound, major event, minor incident and all movement in eternity. The Akashic Records are the entire history of everything that ever has been, and everything that ever will be. They could be looked upon as a ‘memory bank’ containing details about everything that happens in the Universe, and information about every spirit and the many lives they have lived.

Is the art of changing one thing into another. Spiritual alchemy is the inner process of self-transformation and change that leads to spiritual growth.

Altered State of Consciousness
An altered state of consciousness is a different state of reality that we can open ourselves up to that is beyond the physical 3rd dimensional reality.  Learning to navigate these states easily takes experience and has much to do with opening & closing, and being grounded.
Animal Spirit Guides Can help, protect, assist, educate, heal inspire and comfort us.

Ancient Aliens

Angel Therapy

Angel Messengers
Sent by God ensouling an angle of God's consciousness.

Angel Devas
Are members of an order of angelic beings who serve and assist the elementals of nature. They are the guardian spirits of the mountains and forests.

Angelic Hosts
Archangels and angels.


Animal Spirit Guides

A net of light spanning all of cosmos. All of life is interconnected through this antahkarana.

Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty

Aquarian Age
The Aquarian Age is the 2,150-year cycle that follows the Piscean Age and is sponsored by the Ascended Master Saint Germain and his divine compliment, the Ascended Lady Master Portia. The Aquarian Age is the age of Freedom.


Hold the highest rank in the order of angels along with their divine compliments called Archeia.

Archangel Chamuel
Is the Archangel of the Third (Pink) Ray. He teaches you about spiritual love and how to be more compassionate. His initiations help you to be more creative and in alignment with God's love.

Archangel Gabriel
Is the Archangel of the Fourth (white ) Ray. He teaches you how to raise up the sacred fire of the Divine Mother and his initiations help you to establish discipline and order in your life.

Archangel Jophiel
Is the Archangel of the Second (Yellow) Ray. He helps us to better understand things and initiates you on wisdom.

Archangel Michael
Is the Archangel of the First (Blue) Ray. His initiations teach you about God's Will and how to use the power of the blue ray in the throat chakra.

Archangel Raphael
Is the Archangel of the Fifth (Green) Ray. He teaches you how to hold the immaculate concept in the third eye and gives you initiations regarding healing, science, religion and music.

Archangel Uriel
Is the Archangel of the Sixth (Purple and gold) Ray. His initiations teach you how to remain peaceful under any situation through self-mastery of the emotions.

Archangel Uzziel
Is the Archangel of the Eighth (Peach) Ray. His name means 'strength of God'. His initiations are for the integration of all of the seven rays.

Archangel Zadkiel
Is the Archangel of the Seventh (Violet) Ray. His initiations teach you how to free your soul and about justice and mercy.

Divine compliment and twin flame of an Archangel focusing the feminine polarity.

The use of Essential oils to aid in healing.  Each oil has its own unique properties for certain conditions etc.

Greek Goddess of Hunting and Vegetation

Ascended Lady Master
Those who have assumed the feminine polarity after the ascension are called Ascended Lady Masters.

Ascended Lady Master Lotus
See Edna Ballard.

Ascended Master
Enlightened spiritual beings that have fulfilled the requirements of the ascension. Immortal, God-free beings who are the true teachers of mankind.

The spiritual acceleration of consciousness. The ritual of the ascension is permanently reuniting and becoming one with God and occurs after one has met specific requirements.

Astral Body
Consists of a subtle energy field of light that encases the physical body. The Astral Body is the fourth layer of the aura. It is morphous - that is, lacking definite shape, and is composed of clouds of colour, more beautiful than those of the emotional body.  The Astral body usually has the same set of colours as the emotional body, but they are mostly infused with the rose colour of Love. This body extends from six to twelve inches from the physical body.

Astral Plane
Where spirit lives, a different dimension.

Astral Projection
Is when the spirit temporarily leaves the body. The spirit is able to leave for a moment; or can project itself to a specific location which in the dimension of the spirit realm takes no longer than an instant.

Astral Travel
Is when our spirits take a ‘trip’ away from the physical body. The spirit is able to take off and visit wherever and whomever we wish. Astral travel lies at the core of some of our most vivid and memorable dreams ie “real dreams”.

Is an ancient art charting the cycles of the Universe and the positions of the planets at the time of birth, to forecast, predict and draw a distinct impression of the personality and the Life Path.

​Greek Goddess of Wisdom and War

According to Plato, 11,000 years ago there was a continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean called Atlantis. Through some cataclysmic action, the entire nation and everything on it sank to the bottom of the sea.  Many prophets and philosophers have stated that Atlantis did exist and that it shall rise from the sea and exist again some time in the future.  Apparently the outline of Atlantis can be seen at the bottom of the ocean via satellite images.

The Aura is sometimes called the ‘etheric substance’ or ‘etheric body’ that surrounds and emanates every living thing. It is the outer-layer of the electromagnetic energies.  Every aura contains all the colours of the spectrum, but the dominant colours may vary depending upon our physical and emotional health. The subtle energy field. Radiant light depicted around the head of a saint (halo or nimbus). A luminous emanation or electromagnetic field surrounding the physical body, plants, or inorganic objects.

Auric field
An envelope of light; causal body; auric fields can also be benign or harmful. See Aura.  The subtle energy field. Radiant light depicted around the head of a saint (halo or nimbus). A luminous emanation or electromagnetic field surrounding the physical body, plants, or inorganic objects.

Aura Soma
A form of colour therapy but in a bottle can be very effective on us emotionally, good for aura cleansing and protecting, good for working with the archangels and the aura generally.

Pronounced “I A Wash Ka” A plant used by Shaman, not to be messed with.

Is the most famous city from ancient Mesopotamia

Bach Flower Remedies
A form of alternative medicine using a mixture of flower essences, water & brandy.  Intuitively derived in the 1930's by Edward Bach, an English physician and homeopath, based on his psychic connections with the plants.  Used primarily for healing emotional and spiritual conditions 

"Each soul was given an equal portion of God. When souls went forth to experience life in planes of matter, they were endowed with a 60-40% ratio of the divine attributes. The one who would embody the masculine aspects of the Deity was polarized with 60% of the masculine attributes and 40% of the feminine; while the one who would embody the feminine aspects was endowed with 60% of the feminine attributes and 40% of the masculine."

A saint who has dedicated his life to serving and helping sentient beings and is destined to become a Buddha. Bodhisattvas take a vow to save all beings and forego nirvana until they have accomplished this. A Bodhisattva can also be an Ascended or unascended master.

Bodhisattva vow
A Bodhisattva is one who is destined to become a Buddha but vows to remain with the earth's evolutions until all are free. The vow goes something like this: "I vow to stay and save all light bearers from suffering."

An office in hierarchy. Buddha means 'the enlightened one.'

Buddhic Mind
The mind and heart of the Christ is the open door to the Buddhic mind. It is self-realization in the Buddhic consciousness that leads to the flowering of the thousand-petaled lotus.

The teachings of Gautama Buddha led to the founding of Buddhism. Gautama preached for 45 years his doctrine of the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path and the Middle Way.

Roman Goddess of Agriculture

(Sanskrit, 'wheel' 'disc' 'circle.') Sacred centres of light in the etheric body. There are seven major chakras that correspond to the seven rays, five minor chakras, and a total of 144 light centres in the body. Chakras are centres of transformation.

A ‘channel’ or ‘channeler’ is someone who is able to communicate with spirit and the ‘other side’. This process is known as ‘channelling’. A channel is also sometimes known as a Medium.

Repetitive, short, simple words, an affirmation, or sounds used to help attain a deeper spiritual or meditative state.

Is the positive Universal energy that flows through the body’s vital organs and circulates through the entire body. Chi is positive energy.

(Sanskrit, 'Lord,') Teacher; an office in hierarchy; an Ascended Master representing one of the seven rays; First Ray (blue), El Morya, God's will; Second Ray (yellow), Lanto, God's wisdom; Third Ray (pink), Paul the Venetian, God's love; Fourth Ray (white), Serapis Bey, God's purity; Fifth Ray (green), Hilarion, God's Healing; Sixth Ray (purple and gold), Nada, God's Ministration and Service; Seventh Ray (violet), Saint Germain, God's Freedom.

The word Christ comes from the Greek word christos, meaning 'anointed'. A Christed one is one who is fully infilled and anointed by the Light; one who has attained self-mastery on the seven rays and the seven chakras and balanced the threefold flame of the heart.

Christ Consciousness
A level of consciousness realized by Jesus the Christ.

Christ Mind
The Christ Mind is a level and frequency of the Christ consciousness.

Christ Self
Our Higher Self. The wise inner teacher that contains the consciousness of the Christ. The little voice inside of us that tells us when something isn't right that is always trying to teach us right from wrong. This is the Self who provides the inner guidance that brings healing and wholeness.

The religion that stems from the life and teachings of Jesus.

Meaning "Clear Hearing”, Psychic perception through hearing.  May sound like an inner voice or actual perceptions of external sounds. 

Is a French word that means ‘clear hearing’.  Clairaudience is the ability to hear things that originate in another dimension. It is the definite audio-perception of actual sounds and words.

Meaning "Clear Knowing" Psychic perception through knowing; the feeling of ‘simply knowing’ without clear evidence of how or why the person knows it

Clairgustance [Clair-gus-stance]
Meaning "Clear Tasting" Psychic perception through taste, without physically touching something to the tongue

Meaning "Clear Feeling" Psychic perception through feeling; a sense that one feels something without clear evidence of how or why the person knows it.  Intuition, hunch, gut feeling. 
Is the ability to receive a silent thought, message or projected emotion from nearby or from other dimensions, and experience it as an actual physical and emotional sensation.

Is sometimes called ‘clear thinking’ or ‘clear knowing’.

Meaning "Clear Seeing”, Psychic perception through seeing an image in the mind’s eye.  Clairvoyance is the ability to see things, objects or information that originates from another dimension. Sometimes this is called ‘clear seeing.  Clairvoyant visions originate in other dimensions, and earth is the only dimension where we have the concept of ‘time’. Everywhere else there is nothing but ‘now’, so past, present and future are not necessarily factored into a vision. This is why it is often difficult for clairvoyants to predict an exact date or time.

Clare Saint Clare
Of Assisi co founded the Order of Poor Ladies, commonly called the Poor Clares, with Saint Francis.

There is no such thing as a “coincidence”, everything happens for a reason!

Liberates and lifts up the soul.

One of China's greatest teachers. He worked at the memorial temple of the Duke of Chou (Lord Lanto) as a clerk and believed the Duke of Chou was teaching him in his dreams at night and inspiring him to write books.

Cosmic Being
A highly evolved spiritual being with vast attainment. Their consciousness can envelop an entire universe. (1) An Ascended Master who has attained cosmic consciousness; (2) A being who has never taken embodiment or made human karma; (3) An Ascended Master who has recently made the ascension can eventually evolve to the level of attainment of a cosmic being.

Cosmic hierarchy
The chain of 'God-free beings' that includes Solar Logoi, Elohim, Cosmic Beings, Archangels and angels, Ascended Masters and spiritual beings throughout cosmos. One's level of attainment and self-mastery determines their placement in hierarchy.

The universe is all that exists in time and space and conceived as very orderly and harmonious.

An animal guide, meaning Survival, Adaptability, Cleverness, Family, Cooperation, Curiosity, Teacher, Keeper of Magic (like the Raven)

And other natural gems are formed in the earth over countless millennia. The energy they have absorbed during their formation is ancient, rich and potent, and their atoms are arranged with geometric precision.  Some crystals align the magnetic fields of the earth as the crystal naturally vibrates it’s own energy. This energizes it’s environment and anyone and anything in close proximity. Because of the potent energy they emit, crystals are capable of balancing human energy amongst other things.  Crystals emit negative ions which help create uplifting and harmonious feelings. As a personal tool for transformation crystals can be used to amplify, store, transmit and focus your thoughts, emotions and desires, ultimately manifesting them into reality. Crystals bring about clarity, stimulate our resources to cope, and bring about a state of peace and balance into our life.

Cycle Precession of the Equinoxes.
There are twelve astrological ages, each lasting about 2,150 years, in the zodiac. An entire cycle of twelve ages takes about 25,800 years to complete. The Age of Aquarius marks the beginning of another 25,800 year period and new cycle.

Are spoken prayers that are repeated. The science behind this is that it creates a pathway of light, a river of light to God. It also strengthens the power of the request with light-energy and strengthens your connection to God.

Greek Goddess of Agriculture

Deja – Vu
Is the feeling, sensation or experience that we have done this before, had this experience before or been to a certain place before.  Sometimes there are different reasons for Deja Vu, It can be a premonition in a dream that you had but don’t fully remember, it can be a past life memory, especially when your in a foreign country not having ever been there before.

Hindu Goddess of Existence

The word ‘dharma’ originated in the ancient Sanskrit language, and its basic meaning is ‘protection’, in a proactive sense.  Protecting ourselves from unhappiness is no one’s responsibility but our own, and this is accomplished not by a physical force but by living within our own inner laws of righteousness, tolerance and peace.  Dharma dictates absolute honour for all living things and the land that nourishes them. It is based on the idealistic premise that mankind will rise to its own innate, sacred goodness when shown the way to its spiritual path.  When we live outside the bounds of our own divine dharma we are out of sync with the Universe and pay the price in the form of stress, bitterness, misery, frustration and sadness, regardless of how much wealth and/or success you may have accumulated.

Roman Goddess of Hunting

Diana Cooper

The ability to perceive, recognize and distinguish; (1) the subtle shades of differences in vibrations; (2) to exercise good judgment in various matters; (3) determine whether something is spiritual or psychic, light or dark, good or evil. The gift of discernment of spirits is one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.

A dispensation is a grant of energy from God that we can use to help us fulfil a mission, goal or project.

Distant Healing
Sending Distant Healing can be of great benefit to someone who needs it “Energy” is not restricted to time and space.  Sending loving energy/thoughts to someone can be heartfelt and healing.  Reiki includes techniques on how to learn distant healing.

Is the art of gaining information using different tools, to help people. Runes, water, the crystal ball, tarot & angel cards are all forms of divination.  Someone who is good at divination will be in an “altered state” of consciousness during it.

Divine Compliment
Another term used for the twin flame. The twin flame is the soul's masculine or feminine counterpart. You have only one twin flame and share a unique electronic blueprint.

Divine Mother
The feminine polarity of God; the manifestation of God as Mother.

Divine Plan
The divine plan is our blueprint of life and all that we are expected to realize in our soul's evolution. It is the self-realization of our full potential.
Diviner A diviner is someone who divines the location of water, minerals and objects, often with the use of ‘divining rods’.

DMT (Dimethytryptamine)
A naturally occurring psychedelic compound.  Is connected to the pineal gland.

Is a form of divination that has been used for thousands and thousands of years to search for everything from underground water and minerals to buried treasure. It is also utilized to find energy fields, discover illness in the body and find lost items.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Hindu Goddess that Destroys Demons

The ability to be fully present in your body, for some of us this can take many years of practise.  It can be all about learning techniques that work for us and using them! People can become ungrounded due to trauma, sexual abuse, an accident, or shock to the body.  When someone is ungrounded they are in an altered state, but not always aware of it.  And this can often be misdiagnosed by the medical profession.  Some people are a little bit ungrounded and some highly.  The level of being ungrounded is connected to the level of how spiritual your soul is and the level of your spiritual awareness.  If you are extremely ungrounded “Soul Retrieval” can help to bring back parts of you.

Eckhart Tolle

Edna Ballard
Edna Ballard, along with her husband Guy W. Ballard, were messengers for Saint Germain and the Great White Brotherhood and founded the I AM Activity back in the 30's. Today Edna is known as the Ascended Lady Master Lotus.

Edward Bach

A person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance.

Eightfold Path
In his first sermon after enlightenment Gautama Buddha preached the precepts of the Eightfold Path as: Right Understanding (Knowledge), Right Thought (Aspiration), Right Speech, Right Action (Behavior), Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration (Absorption).

Eighth Ray Chakra
This is another chakra located within the heart chakra. It is an antechamber called the secret chamber of the heart.

Electromagnetic Field
The scientific word for Aura or the Auric field

The different elements are, fire, water, air, earth and space

Nature spirits.  The beings of earth, air, fire and water. They are the fairies, sprites, and leprechauns.
Elementals who serve the earth are called gnomes; those who serve the air are called sylphs; those who serve the fire element are called salamanders; and those who serve the water element are called undines.  Elementals are as follows:

  1. Earth: Gnomes

  2. Water: Undines

  3. Air: Sylphs

  4. Fire: Salamanders

A nature spirit

Eliphas Levi
Born Alphonse Louis Constant (February 8, 1810 – May 31, 1875), was a French occult author and ceremonial magician.  "Eliphas Levi", the name under which he published his books, was his attempt to translate or transliterate his given names "Alphonse Louis" into Hebrew although he was not Jewish.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet
And her late husband Mark Prophet were messengers for the Great White Brotherhood. Together, they delivered a vast body of work (books, videos, and lectures) on the path of Aquarius. Following Mark's transition in 1973 he made his ascension. Mrs. Prophet passed on October 15, 2009. Many believe she will also make her ascension. Some of her past lives were: Martha (disciple of Jesus), Catherine of Siena, Queen Guinevere, Yeshe Tsogyal (Female Buddha), and Marie Antoinette.

El Morya
Is the Chohan of the First Ray, the blue ray of God's Will. Some of his past lives were: Melchior (one of the three wise men), Thomas Becket, Sir Thomas More and King Arthur of Camelot.

The seven Elohim are the seven spirits of God named in Revelation (Rev.4:5) and the 'morning stars' that sang in the beginning. They along with their divine counterparts are the builders of form.

Someone who is highly sensitive to energy around them and absorbs it, soaks it up.  The need to protect, open/close and be grounded is needed, the more you can learn about energy the better.

The term can also refer to the academic study of esoteric religious movements and philosophies, or to the study of those religious movements and philosophies whose proponents distinguish their beliefs, practices, and experiences from mainstream exoteric and more dogmatic institutionalized traditions.

Etheric Body
One the four lower bodies; The etheric body houses the blueprint of your divine plan and all the memories of your soul since it was first created as well as the memories of this and all lifetimes.

Etheric plane
Highest plane in the dimension of Matter. This is the world of the Ascended Masters, their retreats, cities of light, and higher-level souls.

Etheric Retreats
Etheric retreats are very similar to the universities we have here on earth. They are schools of light run by the Ascended Masters where you can learn about healing, government, art, culture, science, education, medicine, alternative healing practices - just about any subject you are interested in.

Etheric Substance
Is the energy that permeates and emanates from every space in the Universe and every space within us all.

Stands for ‘extra-sensory perception’.  ESP is a means of knowing that something is going to happen before it does. It also describes perceptions of thought and experiences without using any of the 5 basic human senses.

A nature spirit.

Feminine principle
God as Mother; the feminine aspect of God in man and woman. The masculine creative power is activated by the feminine principle.

Feng Shui
Is the ancient Chinese system for creating harmony in the environment, unblocking and ushering out negative energies. It is the practice of balancing energies in the environment, especially the home and can have a big impact on the energy in your home.

Four Lower Bodies
Are four interpenetrating energy fields that surround the soul. Each has its own consciousness and vibrates in a different dimension. Ideally, they should function as a unit. They are the etheric body, mental body, emotional body and the physical body.

Is the Goddess of Supply and the Goddess of Good Fortune. She is described as 'radiant as the sun' and should not be confused with 'Lady Luck,' the false hierarchy impostor of her. You can pray to Fortuna for spiritual abundance. Fortuna is a manifestation of the Divine Mother in the West similar to the office held by Lakshmi in the East. (See Lakshmi.)

Greek Goddess as Mother Earth

Gary Zucav

Gautama Buddha
Gautama attained the enlightenment of the Buddha in his final incarnation as Siddhartha Gautama twenty-five centuries ago. Prior to this he had several embodiments. Today he holds the office of Lord of the World (referred to as 'God of the Earth' in Revelation 11:4).

Gnosis Inner knowledge.

​See Guy Ballard.

Great Central Sun
Is the center of cosmos and the focus of it is the God Star, Sirius.

Great White Brotherhood
Is an organization comprised of Ascended Masters (male and female), Archangels, angels, advanced spiritual beings, and elementals. They are not affiliated with any one religion and work to assist mankind in all wholesome endeavours. The word white refers to the aura of white light that surrounds them.

Greg Braden

Consciously focusing on one’s own physical connection to the earth.  Creates a balance when working in the psychic and/or spiritual realm.

Guardian Angel
An angel which protects, guides and assists those in physical body.  A spiritual guardian who has never had a physical incarnation (as opposed to a spirit guide)
Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides In addition to mapping out our Blueprints before coming here, we make sacred contracts with entities on the Other Side to watch over us, protect us, help and advise us through this earthly journey we have chosen to undertake. The most intimate of these advisors helps us to conceive and review our blueprint with us - and is at our side every step of the way - is our Guardian Angel or ‘Spirit Guide’.  Your relationship with your Guardian Angel/Spirit Guide was formed between your spirit and theirs on the Other Side before you were born.  Every one of us has a Guardian Angel/Spirit Guide; someone we were very close to and trusted with our soul on the Other Side. Our Spirit Guides/Guardian Angel/s, who agreed to be our constant, vigilant companion and helpmate when we made the choice to experience another lifetime on Earth, are the best friends we have ever had.  Spirit Guides have spent at least one lifetime on Earth. Because of this they are able to empathize with the mistakes, problems, fears and temptations and all the frailties we encounter in the human world.  The Guardian Angel/Spirit Guide’s job is to urge, encourage, nudge, support, advise and ‘guide’ us on our lives’ path.  Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides send you ‘messages’, often through your subconscious mind. What you have always accepted as instincts or your conscience or unusually vivid dreams are your Spirit Guides sending you messages.

Guy Ballard
The Ascended Master Godfre (God Obedience) was embodied as Guy W. Ballard. He along with his wife Edna (today known as the Ascended Lady Master Lotus) were messengers for Saint Germain and the Great White Brotherhood and founded the I AM Activity back in the 30's.

A ‘healer’ is a person who is able to channel healing energies and direct them to someone in need of ‘healing’, be that physically, mentally and/or spirituality.  Many nurses are healers but do not realise it.

Ha Hai-i Wuhti
Hopi Divine Mother

This is a spiritual technique that teaches you how to focus and center in the heart chakra and connect with the flame in the secret chamber of the heart.

Heart Chakra
Is located in the middle of the chest next to the heart. It is the center where we give and receive love. It has twelve petals. Located within the heart chakra is another chakra called the secret chamber of the heart that houses the threefold flame, called the flame of the Christ. See threefold flame.

Greek Goddess of Magic

Helena Blavatsky
Madame Helena Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society along with Col. H.S. Olcott under the direction of the Ascended Master El Morya (Master M.) and Kuthumi (Koot Hoomi).

Higher Self
Christ Self, Real Self, Mediator, Holy Christ Self, Buddha Self, Inner Teacher.

Chohan of the Fifth Ray, the green ray of precipitation and truth. Past lives: High Priest on Atlantis; Saul of Taurus (apostle Paul); Saint Hilarion.

The oldest religion in the world. It has no founder. The earliest Hindu texts called the Vedas say the teachings of Hinduism were given to seven seers at the dawn of time. Hinduism is not rooted in primitive nature worship. It is a path that teaches within each one is the self that is God. It honours God as both the Divine Mother and the Father.

Holistic Healing
philosophy &/or practice.  Takes into account the entirety of a person such as: social factors, mind/emotion, physical body and spiritual well-being.

​Is a procedure by which the conscious mind is suppressed enough that underlying information held in the subconscious and/or the spirit mind can be assessed.  Can be great for addictions and past life healing.

Babylonian Goddess of War

Egyptian Goddess

Initiation Ceremony
Used for a rite of passage into a specific group or society.  Formal ceremony, may represent a transformation into a new societal role.  Common initiations might include graduations or religious confirmations.

There are many kinds of initiations. There are initiations that deal with the rays, chakras, sacred fire, personal karma and growth, and planetary karma.

Inner The 'inner' refers to the etheric octave or the heaven-world which exists in another dimension and vibrates at a higher frequency. It is also a way to describe the sacred space in your heart where you commune with God, your Higher Self, the Ascended Masters and the angels.

Inner Buddha
The Inner Guru, Inner Christ and Divine Mediator. The Higher Self. The Inner Buddha resides in the secret chamber of the heart. Attunement with the Buddhic light.

Inner Child
The soul is your inner child.

Inner Christ
The Divine Mediator, Real Self, True Self, the High Priest within. Also called the Higher Self, the Holy Christ Self.

Institute of Heartmath
Is a non-profit research and education organization researching heart intelligence and providing stress and emotional management tools and techniques to enhance overall health.

Is what you wish to do, setting your Intention is 90% of the psychic/spiritual work.

Instinctive feeling or knowing without using conscious reasoning or rational thought process.  Perceptive insight &/or understanding based on feeling rather than facts.  Your intuition is your own personal early warning system.  It alerts you to changing energies, dangers, knowledge and relevant information.  Our job is to listen to what it is telling us and take heed of the messages.  As we progress in our life, our spiritual journey, our intuition awakens and builds and we become more aware with time and experience

The summoning of a deity, divine power, spiritual guides or angels for ritual, magical and/or spiritual purposes.  Request for assistance from spiritual sources higher than one’s self, said as a prayer, chant or intention.

Isis Goddess
Of motherhood, magic and fertility

John Graham

Joshua Shapiro

Is a monotheistic religion. Members of the Jewish faith believe there is one God who is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing) and omnipresent (in all places at all times). They also believe God is just and merciful.


Roman Goddess of Women

Hindu Goddess of Liberation

Based on the law of cause and effect.  Basic philosophy which holds that actions we take will affect us in kind later.  Some believe karma takes place only in this lifetime, some believe karma is across many incarnations, others believe both to be true.  Karma is sometimes regarded as the ‘sister’ of Dharma. Karma is a Universal Law … it is the Law of Cause and Effect. It is the basic premise of ‘what goes around comes around’ and ‘reap what you sow’. With the concept of karma, motives are a major factor when it comes to reaping what you sow.  There is no such thing as ‘getting away with it’ when it comes to karma.  ‘Good karma’ accrues as you live your life with truth, honour and integrity and all they entail.

Karmic Board
An eight-member board that dispenses justice and that gives us life reviews prior to embodiment. They also assign the karma that we need to work on for each lifetime.

Karmic Lessons
Karmic Lessons are the lessons that your soul chose prior to incarnating, in order to experience and learn from them for the advancement of the soul.

Karmic Ties
Are people we knew before in a past life where there is still something unfinished and we are etherically tied to them.  Karmic or etheric ties psychically look like thick pieces of colour that connect people who have a past life connection.

Ken Carey

Keepers of the Flame
This fraternity is a non-denominational spiritual fraternity for men and women interested in studying the teachings of the Ascended Masters and dedicated to upholding the torch to bring in a golden age of freedom, peace and enlightenment.

Kiesha Crowther

A Japanese term for "Vital life force", "Life Force Energy" or "Universal Life Force Energy".  Also known as Ki (Japan), Prana (India) Ha or Mana (Polynesian cultures), Qi (Taoists), Chi (China), Ka (Ancient Egypt)

Kirilian Photography
Kirilian photography is a method of capturing on film the auras, or energy patterns, that surround all living things.  It was discovered by two Russian scientists, Semyon and Valentina Kirilian in 1939. It involves passing a high frequency electrical current through an object while photographing the object either directly or through glass. The result is an image of the object, along with coloured auras around them that are capable of indicating illness, stress and other emotional and physical afflictions.

Part of your Intuition, when you just “know” something

Lord Krishna is a divine being and avatar. He is the eighth incarnation of Vishnu, the second person in the Hindu Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva).

Kuan Yin
Kuan Yin Buddhist Goddess of Compassion.
The Ascended Lady Master known as the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. She is a representative of the Divine Mother and the Buddhist Madonna of the East (in the West it is Mother Mary) and embodies the qualities of mercy, forgiveness and compassion. She is the protectress of women, sailors, merchants and craftsmen, those being prosecuted, and those desiring children. She serves on the Karmic Board and is a representative of the seventh ray (violet ray). Kuan Yin teaches us how to use the violet flame, balance our karma and fulfil our divine plan. She is also a manifestation of Tara, the White Goddess. Kuan Yin made her ascension thousands of years ago and has taken the vow of the Bodhisattva to serve planet earth until all sentient beings are free.

(Sanskrit, 'coiled-up serpent.') The sacred fire found in the base-of-the-spine chakra; the light of the Divine Mother. When it rises from the base to the crown chakra it quickens and awakens each chakra along the way.

The Ascended Master Kuthumi serves with Jesus in the office of World Teacher. Some of his past lives were: Pythagoras and Saint Francis of Assisi.

Lakshmi Hindu Goddess of Prosperity.
In Hinduism, Lakshmi is the goddess of wisdom, wealth, good fortune and abundance. Her blessings of prosperity and the abundant life are her gifts to us and she brings success in all endeavours. Lakshmi is described as being 'radiant as gold,' 'illustrious like the moon,' and to 'shine like the sun.' Lakshmi is the Eastern representative of the Divine Mother and holds a similar office to that held in the West by Fortuna, the Goddess of Supply. (See Fortuna.)

Is the Ascended Master name of Mark Prophet. It is a combination of the names of two of his previous embodiments, Lancelot and Longfellow. See Mark Prophet.

Lanto Lord
of the Second Ray, the yellow ray of illumination. Past lives: The Duke of Chou (true founder of the Confucianism).

6th Century b.c. Chinese sage considered to be the founder of Taoism and the author of the Tao-te Ching, one of the most sacred scriptures of Taoism. In Chinese, Tao means literally 'Way.

Law Of Attraction
A spiritual law that is based on the idea that whatever we focus our attention on, we attract to us.  Energy flows where attention goes (Huna 3rd principal).

Also known as Mu, is the lost continent of the Pacific believed to have been destroyed approximately twelve thousand years ago by the collapse of the gas chambers beneath the continent.

Life Force
The Life Force is the energy within us and the entirety of creation that makes us ‘alive’, when we die our body loses its life force but we continue in the spiritual realms.

Life Review
The Great White Brotherhood has an eight-member Karmic Board. These eight ascended beings serve as justices and everyone meets with them before and after each incarnation to receive life reviews. The Karmic Board also assigns the karma we need to work on for each lifetime.

Light bearers
Christ bearer or one who bears the light of the Christ.

Light Beings
Any being without a physical body who lives in a spiritual dimension and comes from love

Light Worker
The term 'Lightworker' has been around for many years, initially used to describe people doing spiritual, humanitarian or healing work.

Little Flower of Jesus Saint Therese
of Lisieux is known as the Therese of the Child Jesus and 'The Little Flower'.

Lorna Byrne

Louise Hay


Maha Chohan
The hierarch of the Seven Chohans of the rays. He teaches how to balance and integrate the seven rays. He is also the representative of the Holy Spirit to the earth.

The Coming Buddha, is the Great Initiator who teaches us the path of initiation. In hierarchy he holds the office of Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha for the Age of Aquarius. He keeps the focus of the Universal Christ and Christ Consciousness for every soul evolving and focuses the light of the Cosmic Christ to the earth. Maitreya is a Bodhisattva. The name Maitreya comes from the Sanskrit word maitri and means 'love,' 'kindness,' 'friendliness,' 'friendship,' 'goodwill,' or 'benevolence.' Maitreya is presently not in embodiment.

Sanskrit word meaning 'circle.' In some Tibetan texts it is translated to mean 'center' or 'what surrounds.' The mandala as a circle denotes wholeness, completeness, the perfection of Buddhahood, or a 'circle of friends.' It is derived from the root manda (essence) and the suffix la which means container. Thus, mandala means container of essence. Some see it as a symbol for the mind and body of the Buddha.

Is a Sanskrit word. They are mystical formulas that may be recited or sung and are often repeated many times.  A word or a sound consistently repeated as a focal point in meditation.  A mantra is a word or phrase spoken or sung repeatedly. The vibration of the sound is said to awaken and activate certain energies within the body and etheric bodies.

Are grids (force fields) of light that carry with them great responsibility. Some mantles are gifts from God and others come with an office or position in life. For example, a person in the position of teacher, Mother Superior, or the President of the United States wears a specific mantle during their term of office so long as certain standards are upheld.

Mark Prophet
Mark Prophet and his wife Elizabeth Clare Prophet were messengers for the Great White Brotherhood. Mark was trained by the Ascended Master El Morya and served as a messenger from 1958 until his passing in 1973. He made his ascension at the end of this lifetime and today is known as the Ascended Master Lanello. Some of his previous embodiments were: the Egyptian Pharaoh Ikhnaton, Launcelot du Lac, Origen of Alexandria, Noah, Bodhidharma (Founder of Zen), and Longfellow.

Mary Ann Summer Rain

Mary Baker Eddy
One of Mary Baker Eddy's embodiments was Mary of Bethany. She is now the Ascended Lady Master Theosophia, Goddess of Wisdom.

A discipline of entering the mind into a deep state of relaxation.  May involve stilling the mind completely, or focusing on a singular word, sound or thought.  A state in which the body is consciously relaxed, and the mind is able to become calm and focused.  When we meditate we can go into an altered state of consciousness. There are thousands of different meditations techniques and practises from Buddhist to Zen, which do vary.

A person with the ability to communicate with people who have crossed over into the spirit world

In acupuncture, pathways associated with specific organs, which carry mana, or ‘universal life force’ throughout the body.  Every atom, particle and cell of all living things on this planet are surrounded by an energy field known as the ‘Aura’. The aura has a series of layers and ‘meridians’ which are channels which convey energy around the body. According to ancient Chinese medicine, there are 14 meridians that carry ‘chi’ throughout the body.

An office in hierarchy. A messenger receives special training to be a spokesperson for the brotherhood and is appointed by hierarchy to deliver their Word, prophecies, dispensations and teachings. Messengers to date: Mary Baker Eddy founded Christian Science in the late 1800s; Helen Blavatsky started the Theosophical Society in 1875; Helen and Nicholas Roerich started Agni Yoga in the 1920s-1930s; Guy and Edna Ballard founded the I AM Activity in the 1930s; Geraldine Innocente established the Bridge to Freedom in 1951; Mark Prophet began his training in 1952 and in 1958 founded the Summit Lighthouse. Elizabeth Clare Prophet began her training in 1961-1998 until illness forced her to retire. She recently passed on October 15, 2009. Although there have been many offshoots from the Summit Lighthouse, none are believed to be legitimate messengers. This does not preclude this from occurring in the future.

Metaphysics A philosophy based on beliefs, thoughts and investigation of realities beyond the known physical and scientific world.  Concerned with such topics as psychic development, mediumship, divination, the supernatural, the soul, life after death, reincarnation and telepathy.  The word metaphysics is derived from the Greek work ‘meta’ meaning ‘beyond’ or ‘after’, and ‘physika’ meaning physical’.  Metaphysics is a philosophy that looks at events that have no physical, scientific explanation.

Moon Women
are very attuned to the moon(as well as spiritual men as they have naturally developed a good balance of male and female energy).  When in balance we will find that our monthly periods are at the time of the full moons, keep a diary
Michael Tsarion


Roman Goddess of Arts

Hebrew prophet. The book of Exodus tells his story. The Ten Commandments were given to Moses. He did not ascend after this lifetime because of karma. Today he is the Ascended Master called Lord Ling (God of Happiness).

The feminine polarity of God; the manifestation of God as Mother.

Mother Mary
Prior to her lifetime as the mother of Jesus, Mary served on Atlantis in the Healing Temple studying the healing arts and tending the flame on the altar. This is where she began her training in developing the concentration needed to hold the immaculate concept. After her ascension, Mary became the representative for the office of World Mother. Mary is also a feminine archangel, called an archeia. She serves on the Fifth Ray, the green ray of healing, with her twin flame Archangel Raphael. The temple of Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary is located over Fatima, Portugal. She also serves with Jesus in the Resurrection Temple located over the Holy Land.  Christian Goddess of Compassion

The Ascended Lady Master Nada is the Chohan of the Sixth Ray (purple and gold with ruby flecks). This is the ray of peace, ministration, service and brotherhood (caring for one another). Past lives: Priestess on Atlantis; was a lawyer on Atlantis in another lifetime.

Nature spirits
Elementals. The beings of earth, air, fire and water who establish and maintain the physical plane. Elementals who serve the earth are called gnomes; those who serve the air are called sylphs; those who serve the fire element are called salamanders; and those who serve the water element are called undines.

New Age
Often has negative connotations nothing about the “new age” is new, it is as old as time!

Nicholas Roerich
Along with his wife Helena, were messengers who served as amanuenses for the Ascended Masters El Morya and Maitreya. Nicholas was also a world-renowned artist and mystic. The Roerichs founded Agni Yoga in the 1920s-1930s and Nicholas made his ascension after this lifetime. Helena is believed to be in embodiment today.

Nikola Tesla

Nine Gifts
The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit are: (1) the word of wisdom, (2) the word of knowledge, (3) faith, (4) gifts of healing, (5) the working of miracles, (6) prophecy, (7) discerning of spirits, (8) divers kinds of tongues, (9) the interpretation of tongues.

(1) a state of bliss or peace, (2) a heaven-world, (3) oneness with the Absolute.

System of divination based on the study of numbers.  Precursor to modern mathematics.

Near Death Experience (NDE)
A Near Death Experience is the phenomenon where the physical body experiences clinical death, but has the vivid awareness of the spirit separating from his or her physical body.  Different form an Out of Body Experience which is a spiritual experience of what actually happens to us when we die.

Neil Donald Walsch

Out of  Body Experience
(OBE) An ‘Out Of Body Experience’ is a spiritual experience of what lies beyond for us.  Many people have these experiences while in hospital but not all.

Padma Sambhava
The founder of Tibetan Buddhism, Padma Sambhava is revered as the 'Precious Guru.' His name means 'Lotus-Born One.' Padma Sambhava brought an age of great enlightenment to Tibet. Once this was completed legend says he rose upward into the heavens and now resides in his paradise in the Pure Land on the Copper-Coloured Mountain.

Padre Pio
Italian Catholic monk who entered the Franciscan Capuchin monastery at the age of fifteen. He bore the wounds of the stigmata for fifty years. He was officially recognized as a saint of the Catholic Church in 2002.

A process of divination through examination of the lines on the palm.

Anything which cannot be explained by science.  Commonly used to refer to such occurrences as spirit sightings and haunted houses.  May also be used to refer to any psychic/telepathic activity.

Is the study of psychic phenomena. A Parapsychologist is a scientist or researcher who studies psychic phenomena etc.

Past Life Regression Therapy
A very good therapy to use when you intuitive “feel” that a problem or condition is related to a past life and also sometimes when your simply not sure where it stems from.

Paul the Venetian
Chohan of the Third Ray, the pink ray of love. Past lives: Head of cultural affairs on Atlantis; Incan painter; Paolo Veronese (Italian painter).
Pegasus  Rising Symbolises a rising of your consciousness and freedom individually and collectively.

A weight that hangs freely, used as a tool of divination.

Greek Goddess of the Underworld

Phoenix Rising/Rise of the Phoenix
Birth Renewal, out of the ashes you will rise, a rising of your consciousness and freedom after a difficult time.

Photograph Readings
A psychic reading when the person tunes into the energy of the person in the photograph very similar to psychometry readings.

The dictionary definition of the word phenomenon is: “an observable event, particularly one that is remarkable or in some way extraordinary.”

Piko Piko
An Hawaiian breathing technique used in
Huna shamanism & healing.  Performed by breathing in while focusing on the top of your head and breathing out while focusing on your belly button

Pineal Gland
The scientific name/place of the third eye.  Linked to DMT.  Is shaped like a cone/acorn, often see in Buddhist art. 

Piscean Age
Is the 2,150-year cycle that follows the Age of Aries. About the year 2000 b.c. we entered the age of Aries and two thousand years ago we entered the age of Pisces. Pisces is the age of Universal Peace and is sponsored by Jesus the Christ.

Our beloved star nation brothers and sisters

Goddess of Justice and Goddess of Opportunity; twin flame of Saint Germain. Both she and Saint Germain focus the direction of the earth for the next two thousand years under the seventh dispensation and seventh ray of the Aquarian Age.

Is a form of energy that permeates all physical matter.  A Hindu term for "Vital Life Force", "Life Force Energy" or "Universal Life Force Energy".  Also known as Ki (Japan), Prana (India) Ha or Mana (Polynesian cultures), Qi (Taoists), Chi (China), Ka (Ancient Egypt)

Prageet Harris

It’s the feeling behind the prayer that creates, not the pray itself.  By being on your knees you are becoming humble, don’t do this just because someone says so, use your good judgement.

In this case, we are talking about spiritual precipitation. This is the action or ability to draw down spiritual energy and manifest the desired results in the physical.

An awareness (on a psychic level) of a future event before it takes place.

A premonition is an awareness of a future event, yet to take place.

The I AM Presence is the divine, perfect, essence of self that remains one with God. It is our God Self.

A prophecy is knowledge and/or information that comes in the form of a vision or dream, before it happens.

Prophetic Dreams
Prophetic dreams are dreams in which a future event or events are detailed. People of all creeds and cultures throughout the ages have accepted that dreams could foretell the future or reveal long-forgotten images of the past.

A person who uses natural intuitive powers for divinatory purposes

A person who is psychic, but who also communicates with the spirit world.  All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums

Psychic Attack
Negative energy normally aimed at a person, mostly unconsciously, beware of your thoughts as thoughts create energy.

Psychic Sponge (See Empathic) 
Someone who absorbs energy really well, infact too well, highly Empathic and sensitive to energy in places, people etc.  The need to learn to open/close, protect yourself and be grounded, need to be learnt more as you develop.  The more you develop the more you need to protect your own energy.

Psychic Surgery
A form of surgery (healing) works on a higher spiritual plane bringing it into the physical.

Psychokinesis is a Greek word, ‘psyche’ meaning ‘mind’ and ‘kinein’ which means ‘to move’.  Psychokinesis is the ability to use the mind to move or manipulate objects without physically touching them. It is deliberate, focused and specific on the part of its practitioner.
Psychometry Using an object to tune into that persons energy and gain information about them.

"Real Dreams"
That are vivid in colour/sense/feel/smell/sound.  Dreams that feel real, that you can remember clearly and in detail even many years later are real.  They occur on the astral plane, we often leave our bodies while asleep and can often wake up feeling tired, as we have been so busy while “sleeping”.  There are many different dimensions in our world/universe and the physical one, is only one of them.

Real Self
Christ Self, Mediator, Higher Self, Holy Christ Self, Buddha Self, Inner Teacher.

Can be used as a form of healing via the feet, a great way to relax if you have trouble doing so, as it takes you out of the head and helps you to stop thinking!.  Points on the feet correlate to points on the body.  So when you get a reflexology treatment you may feel sensations in the body, when the reflexology point is being worked on.  A very good indication that its working.

An ancient form of Healing.

Rebirth of the soul in a new body. The soul of man or woman returns to the physical plane in a new body until she has balanced her karma and fulfilled the requirements of the ascension. (The soul of man or woman is the feminine counterpart of the masculine Spirit).

Remote Viewing
Remote viewing is a skill that allows us to perceive and describe details about a specific item or location that we are separated from by time, distance or a physical barrier.

Sai Baba

Saint Francis
Founder of a Franciscan order and a favorite saint of people of all faiths. His love for nature and animals has earned him the position of being the patron saint and protector of animals. Saint Francis was the first known person to receive the stigmata.

Saint Germain

Saint Therese of Lisieux
​Is also known as Therese of the Child Jesus and 'The Little Flower.'

Sanat Kumara
Of Venus, He is known as the Ancient of Days and is one of the seven holy Kumaras (Lords of Flame who represent the seven rays on Venus.) He came to the earth long ago with a band of 144,000 souls to keep the flame of life for the earth during her darkest days when not even a single individual adored the God Presence. According to the teachings, Guatama Buddha was the first to respond to his flame, followed by Lord Maitreya and Jesus. Sanat Kumara has since returned to Venus. His retreat is Shamballa located in the Gobi Desert.

Hindu Goddess of Knowledge and Arts

Science of the Spoken Word
Involves invoking the light of God in prayers, decrees, mantras and affirmations to produce change in the ourselves and the world.

An old English word for divining, can be done using different methods i.e. water scrying or crystal ball scrying.  Scrying is a practice of divination that provokes clairvoyance when a ‘reader’ stares into a reflective surface while in a deep state of concentration or trance. It is an ancient approach to fortune-telling that employs the use of an object to focus on, or stare at or into, until a vision appears. Objects used for scrying can be stones, coins, mirrors, crystals, crystal bowls and water.

Is a French word which means ‘sitting’. A séance is a gathering of people together in which a medium/s attempts to communicate with the spirit world, often done in a dark or semi dark room.

Secret Chamber of the Heart
A second chakra inside the heart chakra that is surrounded by great light. It is your secret meditation room and inner altar.

Psychic, clairvoyant.

The act or process that changes your present state of existence to a higher state.

A person who is “empathic” to energy

Serapis Bey
Chohan of the Fourth Ray, the white ray of purity. This ray is the white light of the Mother (Kundalini) focused in the base-of-the-spine chakra and the ray of the ascension. Past lives: Amenhotep III; Leonidas.

Seven Archangels
The Seven Archangels are Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel. Their divine compliments (Archeia) are Faith, Hope, Charity, Mother Mary, Christine, Aurora, Amethyst.

Seven Chohans of the Ray
The Seven Chohans of the Rays are the Ascended Masters who focus the Christ consciousness of their specific ray: First Ray, El Morya; Second Ray, Lanto; Third Ray, Paul the Venetian; Fourth Ray, Serapis Bey; Fifth Ray, Hilarion; Sixth Ray, Nada; Seventh Ray, Saint Germain.
Seven Principals The principals by which people adhering to the philosophy of Huna subscribe.  The seven principals are as follows:

1. The World Is What You Think It Is (Ike)
2. There are no limits (Kala)
3. Energy Flows Where Attention Goes (Makia)
4. Now Is The Moment Of Power (Manawa)
5. To Love Is To Be Happy With (someone or something) (Aloha)
6. All Power Comes From Within (Mana)
7. Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth (Pono)
Seven Rays
​The seven coloured rays of the Christ consciousness emerge from the white light of the heart of God. They are seven paths, seven ways to walk as the Christ. Each ray has various qualities flowing in it and a Chohan (teacher) who 'defines the law on the ray.'

Are holistic healing techniques that begin at the spirit level.  Shamanistic practitioners (Shamans) thrive in countries throughout the world and in almost every religion. Shamans believe that everything in nature is alive. As a result everything in nature possesses information. Shamans work with that information and with the spirits of humans and animals around them to diagnose, to treat and to heal the soul and whatever illness is creating a shadow around it.  Journeying is an important part of shamanism.

The ancient home of Sanat Kumara (hierarch of Venus) and Gautama Buddha. Shamballa, called the 'city of white,' was once in the physical but later had to be withdrawn into the etheric because of subsequent dark ages; One of the mystery schools of the Great White Brotherhood.

Shape Shifting
Ability to change, may be change of age, gender, race, etc. or from human to animal or plant form. Practiced in Native American and Huna belief systems, among others.

Means 'auspicious,' 'kind' or 'friendly.' Shiva is known as the Destroyer. As the Third Person of the Hindu Trinity, he destroys the universe at the end of each world age so that it can be created all over again. The Hindu Trinity is Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver) and Shiva (the Destroyer and Regenerator). Shiva represents the stripping action of the Holy Spirit.

Hindu Goddess of Primal Energy

Silver Cord
Etheric cord which connects our physical body to our astral body.  Also known as the astral cord or aka cord

Solstice Astronomical
Event when the earth’s axis tilts the furthest towards or away from the sun.  Associated with the Pagan festival of Yule.  Winter Solstice: The shortest day of the year.  Summer Solstice: The longest day of the year
God is both masculine and feminine. The soul of man or woman is the feminine counterpart of the masculine Spirit. The soul is your inner child.

Soul Mate
You may have many soul mates. These people are comrades who share a common path or soul development with you and are like your best friend or buddy. These relationships are sometimes as rewarding as that of the twin flame.  

Soul Mates, Twin Flames & Kindred Spirits
When we are created we are intrinsically whole. Soul mates are those who come into our lives to share experiences, relationships and life lessons with us. Soul mates comes together when both souls have determined that the time is right for this duality relationship to occur. Soul mates exist singularly until they have reached their own chosen level of evolvement. When the time is right the two souls merge.  Kindred souls (kindred spirits) are souls that have a very deep love for each other. We can have many, many kindred souls that we can relate to, but we generally have only the one soul mate. If you have a deep, loving friendship with someone in this lifetime it is most likely that you are kindred spirits (kindred souls).  Your Twin Flame is the other half of your soul. Most of the time your Twin Flame is not incarnate at the same time as you are, but stays in the ethers as a guide and a kind of caretaker. Occasionally however, both you and your Twin Flame do incarnate at the same time. As stated, this is rare. When it does happen, however that person is NOT necessarily your ideal mate or life partner. Your literal 'other half' embodies everything you are and usually reflects EVERYTHING you do not like about yourself. Most people mistake Twin Flame for their Soulmate. With your Twin Flame there is chaos: one can be attached, a vast age difference, different locations, or the person has some serious issues and is afraid to open up to the energy because the bond is too intense.

See Psychic Sponge

The masculine polarity of the Godhead. The word spirit is derived from spiritus and is Greek for "breath," "vigor," or "life" and means "the animating force of life." Spiritus (Latin) means "breath," "breath of life," "the spirit," or "soul."

Spiritual Alchemy
Spiritual alchemy is transcending and transforming all human limitation. It's using God's energy creatively to transform the human consciousness into Higher consciousness.

Is not a religion. The term spirituality is defined as an individual's search for the divine. It involves having direct mystical experiences with God, the Absolute, the Tao, or the Buddha. These experiences usually lead to transformation and transcendence.

Spirit Guide/s
Our Spirit Guides are souls we trusted with our own soul on the Other Side, who agreed to be our constant, vigilant companion and helpmate when we made the choice to experience another lifetime on earth. Your relationship with your Spirit Guide was formed between your spirit and theirs on the Other Side before you were born.
All Spirit Guides have experienced at least one incarnation so they are able to empathize with the problems, mistakes, temptations, fears and fallibilities we encounter in the human world. The Spirit Guide’s job is to encourage, advise and support us towards the goals we have set for ourselves in this incarnation.

Stanstead (Arthur Findley College)
A highly reputable college in London where a lot of mediums train and develop their skills, highly recognised as being one the very best places to develop as a medium.

Star Nations
We are not alone in the universe many planets and star systems are full of life.

A Symbol can be a very powerful image when working with healing, psychically or using the power of intention.  The symbol of the heart is a powerful symbol, every symbol is unique and carries a vibration with it a colour and a sound.

Nothing happens by accident, or by chance everything that happens to us has a reason there are no coincidences or chances.

6th century B.C. Chinese sage and mystic Lao-tzu is traditionally accepted as the founder of Taoism and author of the Tao-te Ching, one of the most sacred scriptures of Taoism. In Chinese, Tao means literally Way or Teaching. The goal of Taoists is to become one with the Tao.

Tibetan Goddess of Compassion

The word Tarot is devised from two Egyptian words ‘Tar’ meaning road and ‘Ro’ meaning royal, thus we have the ‘Royal Road’ to wisdom.  The Hermetic tradition believes the Tarot to be thousands of years old. It comes to us through the Gypsies and can be traced back to the religious symbols of the Egyptians. Over the centuries the Tarot has been seen as a spiritual guide. In medieval Europe it was regarded with suspicion as the early Christians associated it with ‘witchcraft’. As people became less superstitious and more open-minded, the Tarot became accepted as a tool for self-development, especially when used with meditation for clarity, insight and for the highest good.  Tarot cards reflect life’s journey from birth to death, mirroring the path from naivety to experience and self knowledge. Most aspects of human experience are found in the Tarot cards.

Ted Andrews

The ability to move an object with the power of the mind (also known as psychokinesis).

Ability to communicate without spoken words, Communication through thoughts and energy rather than through the 5 physical senses Communication is often referred to as "telepathic communication". Telepathy is the direct, instantaneous passing of information, knowledge or feelings from one person or entity to another, without using the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell. Silent transference takes place from a sender to a receiver (sometimes over great distances) and it can happen deliberately or without either the sender nor the receiver being aware of it.  The information is received in a variety of ways: phrases or words that pop into the mind for no apparent reason, quick flashes of half-complete images, unusually vivid dreams, or a sudden preoccupation with a person we might not have seen, heard or thought of in a long time.

The Rays
See the Seven Rays

Thich Hhat Hanh

Third Eye
Psychic energy centre located at the brow chakra in the middle of the forehead.
Thought Transference The ability to communicate thoughts to another without the use of physical means.

Threefold flame
A spiritual flame in the heart having three plumes that embody the attributes of Spirit: power (blue), wisdom (yellow), and love (pink).

Ties that Bind, Karmic Ties
Relationships with people we have known before in a previous lifetime that are still unfinished.

Tree of Life
Mystical symbol representing elements of life such as growth, wisdom, grounded-ness, there is a good symbol to use, work with when grounding yourself.  Symbolic of connection between heaven and earth.  In Kabbalistic tradition, represents creation and path to the divine.

A trance is a state of altered consciousness.

Is a form of mediumship, where the spirit enters the body of the medium this should only ever be practised with highly trained/skilled people who know exactly what their doing;
1) The Edinburgh College of Parapsychology
2) Stanstead College in London
Twin Flames
The twin flame is the soul's masculine or feminine counterpart. You have only one twin flame and share a unique electronic blueprint.  Your Twin Flame is the other half of your soul. Most of the time your Twin Flame is not incarnate at the same time as you are, but stays in the ethers as a guide and a kind of caretaker. Occasionally however, both you and your Twin Flame do incarnate at the same time. As stated, this is rare. When it does happen, however that person is NOT necessarily your ideal mate or life partner. Your literal 'other half' embodies everything you are and usually reflects EVERYTHING you do not like about yourself. Most people mistake Twin Flame for their Soul mate. With your Twin Flame there is chaos: one can be attached, a vast age difference, different locations, or the person has some serious issues and is afraid to open up to the energy because the bond is too intense.  This can be a very challenging relationship.

Universal Life Force Energy
The energy of all life; the vibration of life itself.  Energy from "Universal Source".  Also known as
Ki (Japan), Prana (India) Ha or Mana (Polynesian cultures), Qi (Taoists), Chi (China), Ka (Ancient Egypt) Uraeus Egyptian symbol of a serpent, most often a cobra.  Worn on the forehead, represents the ‘third eye’

Live in a different dimension to us, dimensions are not exclusively for humans

Universal Energy Field
The Universal Energy Field is the energy of all existence, which encompasses the physical and non-physical.

Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty

Violet flame
The seventh ray aspect of the Holy Spirit and sacred fire that transmutes the cause, effect, record, and memory of negative karma. It is also called the flame of transmutation, freedom and forgiveness.

Violet ray
The seventh ray aspect of the Holy Spirit. One of the seven rays containing the quality of Freedom.

Virgin Mother
Mother Mary

Vision Quest
Is a rite of passage in some Native American cultures.  The ceremony of the vision quest is one of the most universal and ancient means to find spiritual guidance and purpose.  A vision quest can provide deep understanding of one's life purpose.  A traditional Native American vision quest consists of a person spending one to four days and nights secluded in nature.  This provides time for deep communion with the fundamental forces and spiritual energies of creation and self-identity.  During this time of intense spiritual communication a person can receive profound insight into themselves and the world.  This insight, typically in the form of a dream of Vision, relates directly to their purpose and destiny in life.

Water Scrying
A form of divination using water

Wounded Healer
The term “Wounded Healer” is someone who has gone through certain experiences, comes out the other side and then goes on to heal and help other people with the same experience.  Many Shamans would be regarded as wounded healers.

A spiritual practise to help Integrate all aspects of an individual body, mind & spirit.
​A Chinese movement, or school of thought emphasizing meditation as a way to enlightenment.