Reviews & Testimonials

“A rare insight into my childhood past and all its pain and clarity of spiritual insight into who I was and why I was here. After years of all kinds of abuse, sexual, physical, emotional an alcoholic mother, poverty and “real hunger”, everything all thrown into my little pot.

I decided to end my young life at the age of 12. It was a day that changed my life forever and brought forth such great spiritual lessons to me. My Out of Body experience with Jesus where he took me on a journey that changed everything, the spiritual journey he took me on taught me many spiritual lessons both for myself and humanity. I was “gone” for hours, as he downloaded and shared information with me.

I am sharing my story with you my story my truth of who I am, who you are, we are not alone, we have never been alone, we do not come from earth, we are the Ancient Aliens, we are The Pleiadians, we are the children of Light. Many times, during my childhood years I had a connection with The Pleiadians and I didn’t know it. I was shown many things as a child, visions of Egypt and secret knowledge that lay buried, The Halls of Learning, The Library of Alexandria, Rome, Atlantis, including beneath the Sphinx and the secret hidden chambers.

I just hadn’t known it was the Pleiadians sharing with me their knowledge, wisdom and history of who we are, there history is our future. In 2009 I began Channelling, in 2010 I came to realise that I was channelling the Pleiadians. In 2011 while doing a shamanic course in Galway with Paul O'Halloran. I Re-Discovered lost memories of my childhood of connecting with the Pleiadians since my early childhood and beyond that. This is my story so far and includes channelled information from the Pleiadians both from childhood and recently. It is both my personal story and connection with them, and channelled information, about our true history and origins of who we are, where we came from, why we are here.”

Carol gave me a reading that shook me to the core... but in the best way possible. Her professionalism along with her incredible accuracy left me with an unimaginable experience that I will never forget. I don’t write reviews often, but after the session I knew that I wanted to share my experience with others so that they can feel more confident entrusting her. I highly recommend.
— Sarah Isabella Devine, Miami Beach, Florida

Sarah Isabella Devine reviewed Carol Noonan The Pleiadian Child – 5 star

A beautiful shining light with blue eyes like stars in the sky, was what I thought and think of remembering Carol. It was an amazing session with her; like talking, sharing and listening to a best friend.  In my opinion the most wonderful aspect about having a reading with Carol, is the space she creates void of any judgement, infused with only love and acceptance; a true healer Love and gratitude.
— Farheen Husain, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
I recently had a reading with Carol Noonan The Pleiadian Child (see her website most psychics let you talk, so that they can pick up stuff about you. Not Carol! I’m pretty psychic myself but she blew me away.  I’m into earth energies, elementals, star nations, etc.  She really put me in the picture.  I came away knowing a lot more.  She is the real deal.  No baby’s, no lotteries, just very relevant incredible knowledge.  Go see her, come away different.
— ​Daniel M
 Cork, Ireland
​My session speaking to the Pleiadians through Soma ARah was an amazing experience that has stayed with me ever since. I was quite nervous as I didn’t really know what it would be like but as soon as I connected with Carol I felt at ease and then when she started channelling the Pleiadians I felt an enormous amount of love coming through from them as well. They were also quite funny and made me laugh. It took me at least a couple weeks after the session to absorb all the information that came through and they had really interesting answers and observations to share. What has most stayed with me is a wonderful feeling of connection and love.
 I would definitely recommend the experience. Thank you Carol! And also thank you for pushing on even though my toddler kept bursting into the room.
—  Claire
 Sydney, Australia
​Thank you so much for my reading!  It was so wonderful to talk to someone so down to earth, so compassionate and so honest in such a gentle way! I didn’t feel like it was the first time we truly met.  You made me feel at ease and comfortable and there were things I definitely needed to hear.  Grieving the loss of a child,  especially your only child, is so different than grieving the loss of any other loved one. You gave me some suggestions I really needed so I can connect to my son myself, to help me with the immense pain and emptiness I constantly feel and how to continue the close relationship we had, only on a different level! It was exactly what I needed! It truly was a pleasure to meet you and to make a new beautiful friend! Thank you for everything! 
— With Love and Light
, ​Elaine
​I would like to confirm that everything you spoke of I could identify with and hit so many areas with an uncanny accuracy.  I listened again to our Skype recording which you kindly agreed to which triggered more connections on my second time of listening. There was so much as you constantly talking throughout the reading, too much for me to recall here but I would give the example of where you spoke of someone from my past of 10 years returning into my life. I nearly fell off my chair as this is happening exactly as you described. 
 Your reading gave me so much in the way of guidance as you linked up with my previous life experiences making my path clearer to follow.
— Thanks again Carol, love and best X
​Great reading with Soma ARah, would definitely recommend her, she is honest and very kind hearted, the best reading I have had in a long time. Patience it a virtue, when things go wrong in our lives we all need time to reassess and revalidate, don’t be quick to judge people, give them the time they need to sort things out. Thank-you for your precious time Soma ARah
— Teresa Fergusson 
 Kent, UK
Soma ARah is a gifted human and a bright starseed. Carol is an excellent heart reader and a beautiful soul guide.  I recommend reaching out to this wonderful lady. Blessings.
— Denis Mulcahy 
 ​Dublin, Ireland
My reading was not what I expected, but I learned a lot about myself from Carol. She is so kind and gentle and I do believe she has an excellent insight to a persons energy.
— Ciara Kelly
 ​Dublin, Ireland
Soma ARah is such a beautiful soul, I am absolutely in love with her and what she is doing.  I had a reading for the first time in my life and it blew my mind but everything resonate with how I feel and what is happening in my live at the moment.
Highly recommend to anyone.
And Soma ARah -I’ll be back
— Eliza Ka
 ​Southampton, UK
Hello Family ....... I’ve just had the most beautiful reading by this very talented lady, it’s actually my second reading with her and she’s helped me a lot through my journey. Tonight she channelled a Pleiadian that had a message for humanity and a beautiful private message for me. I’m more than happy to share the reading.  Her readings are £100, so very reasonably priced.  Hola familia ... Acabo de tener la lectura más hermosa de esta talentosa dama, en realidad es mi segunda lectura con ella y me ha ayudado mucho en mi viaje.  Esta noche canalizó a un pleyadiano que tenía un mensaje para la humanidad y un hermoso mensaje privado para mí.  Estoy más que feliz de compartir la lectura.  Solo envíame un mensaje en privado y lo transferiremos.  Sus lecturas cuestan £ 100, por lo que tienen un precio muy razonable.  Aquí están los detalles. 
— Hollie Houston
​Hola familia ... Acabo de tener la lectura más hermosa de esta talentosa dama, en realidad es mi segunda lectura con ella y me ha ayudado mucho en mi viaje.  Esta noche canalizó a un pleyadiano que tenía un mensaje para la humanidad y un hermoso mensaje privado para mí.  Estoy más que feliz de compartir la lectura.  Solo envíame un mensaje en privado y lo transferiremos.  Sus lecturas cuestan £ 100, por lo que tienen un precio muy razonable.  Aquí están los detalles. 
— Hollie Houston
Her authenticity natural charm and I needed it!
— Ann-Katrin Matar 
 ​Online Reading
​I had a reading with Carol before Christmas ‘16, first thing that struck me is her positive energy and the conviction with which she speaks. I didn’t really know what form of readings Carol gave so I didn’t have any particular questions/situations in mind. I’m sure we went well over the hour I was booked for, the reading was so fascinating. Carol told me of my heritage from a different time and how it could be traced to some of my physical issues now, which when I spoke to family they all recognised what she had said, there was so much more that I was told that day that slips my mind, but I find when happens, my brain says “Carol told you that”. I would recommend a reading/healing with Carol to anyone.
— Pat
​Soma ARah is bight beautiful energy that just uplifts you on connection. Her readings are insightful and calming. With Carol you will find a friend for guidance, solace and laughter! Let Magic Happen :) Shalom
— Farheen Husain
 Chief Intuitive Coach
Thanks you so much for the invaluable reading you gave me during a highly challenging part of my life and for acknowledging the urgency and seeing me so quickly.
 You didn’t know anything about me yet you were spot on with it all. Your insightful reading gave me comfort reassurance and guidance as to how to make things easier for me both in my work and personal life.  After my reading and card reading you’re friendly, warm nature made me feel as if I could ask additional questions and you answered those with love.  I’ve taken on board what you’ve said and am very grateful to you and your loving Guides who supported my reading. I feel much lighter now.
Thanks again.
 With love...
— A.S
 Hampshire, UK
I was drawn to make an appointment with Carol, an inspired decision.  I was amazed at the accuracy of her reading (with little input from me), as she brought various strands of my past life together.  She has a great gift of discerning concerns, some at an almost unconscious level, which affect my present.  She pointed to future actions and life changes (one of which occurred to me very recently) and has given me great hope and consolation, with  guidelines for a better future. Her assurance that some pressing problems would be worked out in time removes much worry. 
 Carol has a calm, welcoming presence.  Her sincerity shines through in her  care for the overall well being of her client.  Thank you, Carol.  I hope to meet you again. 
— Maureen E.
I received a reading from Carol without doing too much research about her. I didn’t know what to expect so went without any serious questions in mind. Carol is a lovely friendly lady who showed a serious gift of connecting to the unseen. She did not ask me much personal questions beforehand so reading wasn’t based on personal appearance or body language. I got a lot of information that I have heard before (meaning she was on track) plus a lot more that I haven’t heard before. She does not give you anything vague or something that can be related to everyone like some “psychics” do. She has a personal approach and will give you detailed information. I just wish I had prepared more questions to ask her. The ones more sensitive can actually feel strong vibe of energy being close to her. I am very pleased that I found and met her. Whatever the amount she is asking for a reading in any particular moment....she is worth every penny. I surely hope to meet Carol again in the future and wish her all the very best.
— Marko 
 Dublin, Ireland
When I went to first went to see Carol I was excited & Nervous!! She drew firstly upon a big tree and lost keys, and 2 days prior to my reading I did lose keys. I am now in the process of re tracing my steps around all big trees looking for my keys.... Then she linked in with my grand mother, and made reference to her husband by name, and made reference to her character & Personality. She then went on to accurately discuss her passing, and that she was aided by her father, and she is with a baby spirit too, which is her son she lost during birth. ..... The final person Carol drew close to was a grand father/friend to me. She described what he was wearing in the coffin, and how he looked prior to his passing! She also said his name! I was amazed by the reading! And I would highly recommend her!
— David Dooley 
 Dublin, Ireland
Hello I am writing to say thank you for your work, sharing it with people and the light that you spread.  For the truth that you share with humanity and like minded souls on the spiritual path.  For the light that you shine out to others and the magic of universal truths that you share.  I honour you for being a like minded soul and may it continue for all eternity.  For encouraging me and others to follow our own divine light When I sought you answered them.  Thank you for being you and shining your light out and up, overcoming fear in speaking up and getting your voice heard It has encouraged me to do the same.  You are a courageous beautiful soul and I really just wanted to say thank you for sharing your light with the world!
— ​P N
I had a reading with Carol recently & I found her to be very detailed in many ways.  she gives readings through both spirit & cards, and her sessions cover a lot of ground.  she also gives time lines in regard to future events.  what she told me was consistent with what i have been told on previous occasions with other psychics.  she has a caring, warm & gentle nature and this emanates from her during session.  she is a gifted reader in regard to the present, and i will keep a close eye on future events and time lines
 Thanks Carol
 Warmest Regards
— Alice
My reading with Carol was very insightful. She has a very natural and gentle approach and lets you feel completely at ease. Unlike other readings I have had in the past, I found that Carol has the ability to delve far deeper into the root of matters and that it is not simply ‘surface’ information that she gives, but that she sees a far wider and deeper reaching aspect to the situation in question. She is very clear about what she sees and is so open to being asked questions to clarify anything that comes up. After leaving the reading a definite sense of healing followed and has remained with me. I would highly recommend Carol to anyone who is seeking guidance. She is a truly gifted and blessed reader and healer. Thank you Carol! Blessed be!
— Marsha Hyland
Hello Carol I am writing after having visited your online sanctuary of the self. You are a pillar of light worthy of respect. I enjoyed learning who you are. Thank you for sharing your life in this way as doing so is nurturing to the soul. I am impressed with what you have accomplished. You are a Unique person who makes a positive impression. I wish you joy and happiness all your days.  May you connect with the earth as you discover your divine path and may you breathe in love as you experience the miraculous and live your dreams.
 Yours in Creative Manifestation
— Micheal Teal  
 Ontario, Canada 
 The Ancient One
Carol is a really good psychic. I had a reading done with her awhile back and I can’t believe how accurate she was. One of the first things she said to me was “You need to get off sugar and coffee.” I was drinking coffee as she said this and I almost spilled it on myself because I was so shocked. She said she saw a worry about money. My husband became disabled a couple of years ago and now we are living on Social Security and Food Stamps. Carol asked if I am a vegetarian, and I am. She asked if I like Coke. When she asked this, I thought “is she thinking pop or drugs?” She immediately answered my thought with “pop”. I hardly ever drink pop because of how bad it is for you, but when I do I always pick Coke or Pepsi. Carol knew that I do Reiki. She told me that she sees depression around me really bad. I have struggled with depression my whole life. I have been on and off of antidepressants, searching for the right one when deep down, I feel that they don’t help they just bury the problems. She told me not to use antidepressants. Carol saw a problem with my relationship because I’m very spiritual and my husband isn’t and most likely won’t ever be; this is very true! Carol told me a few things that at least a couple of other psychics have told me before: 1. I need to get some sun and buy a sun lamp. 2. I need to surround myself in white light and call on the angels. 3. I need to join a spiritual group/church. 4. I need to heal myself from depression before making any other changes in my life. 5. I need hypnosis. 6. I would really benefit from a Past Life Reading because she feels that my depression is from a past life. I would highly recommend a reading with Carol; she is awesome. I wish I could have her on speed dial, but I know if I did I wouldn’t develop my own intuition. Carol said my intuition is kicking in; I am so excited about this. I love you Carol!
— Angel Steffan
 Montana, USA ​
 Facebook Reading
My reading with Carol was wonderful.  It was accurate & informative.  I walked into the reading quite confused about various things in my life & i left with a much clearer outlook.  Carol gave me some much needed spiritual guidance and I left the reading feeling very happy & positive!  I am so happy I got that reading and I am looking forward to dealing with Carol again in the future. Carol, thank you again for a wonderful reading, you really helped me to see my own potential & I’m a much happier person since!
— Pamela Keady
 ​Mayo, Ireland
Very Good You hit on a lot of things in my life I felt good, but i know that there will always be someone to watch over me. You (Carol) hit on a few things no would would know, especially about my dog.  Thank you
 I miss my husband a lot, it is good to know that his spirit is with me And that gives me great comfort.
— Liz Cahill
 ​Galway, Ireland
Very Good You hit on a lot of things in my life I felt good, but i know that there will always be someone to watch over me. You (Carol) hit on a few things no would would know, especially about my dog.  Thank you
 I miss my husband a lot, it is good to know that his spirit is with me And that gives me great comfort.
— Liz Cahill
 ​Galway, Ireland
It was so exciting!! Carol was really nice and she Totally got me!!
— Tom
 Zoom Online Reading
​Carol’s reading was a great positive experience for me and enlightened me on a lot of things in life I had taken for granted. She is a very giving and kind person and shares not only her psychic ability but her advise and caring nature in her readings.  All the best
— Noriana Kennedy
 ​Galway, Ireland
Thanks Carol for reconnecting me back to my true self, as life had thrown me off course, I am now more centered and empowered in my life, and now I’m looking forward for good things to come, you are amazingly gifted and generous in your work, very precise and accurate, people are indeed very fortune to now have you in Ireland.  Looking forward to seeing you again.  Take care, lots of love
— Caroline
 ​Dublin, Ireland
Had a reading recently from Carol and found her a very caring individual.  She picked up very quickly on current energies that were surrounding my life at the moment.  She also touched on aspects of my past and things relevant to me regarding this.  She offered me both insight and guidance and potential occurrences for the future, for which I can only comment on in time.  I would not hesitate in recommending carol to provide a spiritual/psychic reading
— N Fairley
 Zoom Online Reading
A Lovely Reading Very Accurate, I will definitely be calling her again
— Mrs Evans
 Cardiff, Wales
Carol is the type of person everyone just loves being around.  Strong work ethic, great personality.
— William High Eagle Sandoval 
 Taos, New Mexico
Many thanks for braving my hen night last Saturday. I must admit I asked you to come just for fun and definitely was sceptical but having thought about what you told me and my friends I believe you are truly gifted and it must be acknowledged. Thanks for helping us to have a great night and I hope you have recovered after reading so many people in over 6 hours. Take care and thanks again
— Eimear Butler
 ​Galway, Ireland
​I’m really amazed by your reading very impressive
— Monica
 London, UK
Hi Carol thanks very much for today I really enjoyed meeting you
— Jan
 Edinburgh, Scotland
I just wanted to say thank you so much for our last few sessions. I am very much looking forward to continuing working with you. Life has thrown me some testing times recently, and with your help, I feel I can begin to rebuild myself. I would happily recommend your services to anyone. Thanks again.x
— ​Lesley
 ​Online Zoom Readings
I found the reading to be very insightful and helpful, I will be visiting her again
— Jenna
Ciara Kelly reviewed Carol Noonan The Pleiadian Child – 5 star

”My reading was not what I expected, but I learned a lot about myself from Carol. She is so kind and gentle and I do believe she has an excellent insight to a persons energy.
— Ciara Kelly
 Dublin, Ireland
Nothing but pure loving intention x that in itself is a blessing x thank you carol. To anyone wanting to connect with someone who is gifted but also incredibly genuine this will be the person without question.x
— Emma Powell
 Portsmouth, UK
I would like to confirm that everything you spoke of I could identify with and hit so many areas with an uncanny accuracy.  
 I listened again to our Skype recording which you kindly agreed to which triggered more connections on my second time of listening. There was so much as you constantly talking throughout the reading, too much for me to recall here but I would give the example of where you spoke of someone from my past of 10 years returning into my life. I nearly fell off my chair as this is happening exactly as you described. 
 Your reading gave me so much in the way of guidance as you linked up with my previous life experiences making my path clearer to follow. 
 Thank again Carol , love and best James. X
— James Durcan
 London, UK​. Skype Online Reading
Well what a breath of fresh air this lady was today her full soul life purpose and spiritual reading was so complete and on the button in the right here right now I was delighted and amazed by her reading if you treat yourself to anything its got to be a sitting with Carol thank you so much you have no idea how fantastic it was to meet you today keep up the great enlightened work you are doing from my heart the very best wishes and gratitude
— Lynda McCann O'Connor 
 ​Dublin, Ireland
​I had a wonderful and empowering psychic Facebook reading session with Carol the other day.  It was full of tearful and smiling “Aha!” moments that brought me enormous comfort and peace of mind.  I will definitely contact Carol again for future readings to help me navigate my way through life.
— Spainey Teague
 Saudi Arabia
My experience with Carol was phenomenal!  She is a truly gifted and miraculous woman.  To start, she has a wonderful calming energy about her which immediately put me at ease.  I felt like I could tell her anything!  However, after requesting I give her as little information as possible, she began my reading.  It was truly astounding and inspirational.  In addition to the reading and giving me insight on my life journey, she was even able to recommend several tools, books, authors, etc., to help guide me.  Which was exactly what I was looking for and more!  The reading was extremely in depth and she somehow knew exactly what I needed.  I went in a bit confused and overwhelmed and hoping she would help me sort all this out.  She did that and so much more.  It was truly a life changing experience for me.  I would highly recommend Carol to anyone looking for some insight and guidance into their life.  She is such a blessing and I feel so lucky and grateful to have met her and have connected.  To have someone offer you tools that will help you carve the best path you are intended to be on is an invaluable experience.  Thank you Carol!
— Kelly Vaughn
 New York, USA
I had a reading with Carol recently & I found her to be very detailed in many ways.  She gives readings through both spirit & cards, and her sessions cover a lot of ground.  She also gives time lines in regard to future events. what she told me was consistent with what I have been told on previous occasions with other psychics.  She has a caring, warm & gentle nature and this emanates from her during session.  She is a gifted reader in regard to the present, and I will keep a close eye on future events and time lines.  Thanks Carol, Warmest Regards
— Alice
Nothing but pure loving intention x that in itself is a blessing x thank you carol. To anyone wanting to connect with someone who is gifted but also incredibly genuine this will be the person without question.x
— Emma Powell
 Portsmouth, UK
My reading with Carol was very insightful.  She has a very natural and gentle approach and lets you feel completely at ease.  Unlike other readings I have had in the past, I found that Carol has the ability to delve far deeper into the root of matters and that it is not simply ‘surface’ information that she gives, but that she sees a far wider and deeper reaching aspect to the situation in question.  She is very clear about what she sees and is so open to being asked questions to clarify anything that comes up.  After leaving the reading a definite sense of healing followed and has remained with me.  I would highly recommend Carol to anyone who is seeking guidance.  She is a truly gifted and blessed reader and healer.  Thank you Carol! Blessed be!
— Marsha Hyland